Sufi Qamus


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Features:- Comprehensive search function- Quick search English and transliteration- Super scroll for fast navigation- Easily move through the Qamus with related word links- Works offline A qamus is a book full of definitions and meanings. Each human is a qamus. When man looks within his own self and contemplates the inner signs and meanings he may come to know Allah. To make the Journey into the self, and through the levels of the Self, is the most serious task to which a man can turn. However, he cannot travel without a guide. Not only is he unable to read the words of the dictionary but he is also unable to understand the definitions of those words. An authentic Spiritual Guide (Murshid) will take him safely to the Sacred Centre. Through verbal expression and symbolic allusion or indications, the Murshid will assist the murid and explain to him the words within his qamus. Whenever a man speaks or writes down what is within himself he is opening up his own qamus for others to read. Compiled under the direction of Murshid F. A. Ali ElSenossi, this dictionary of Sufi terminology is an essential tool for all who are travelling the Spiritual Path.